Monday, October 28, 2013

Make it a Great Day

"Have a great day"...... we hear and say this phrase a lot. Sometimes it has become an automatic greeting or a place holder to an awkward silence. However, my dear friend sent me a message the other day, correcting herself in this common phrase. She wrote, "actually, I meant to say, make it a great day. That way no one else or something else can dictate your day. It is all up to you."
 I sat with this for a few minutes and let this message reach down into my core. She was so right. There are so many times when I allow others to affect the way my day progresses and the way I feel. I get caught up in other peoples emotions, or get upset if something may not go the way I had wanted it to. And then I let other things go by me without much notice. Missing many valuable, happy, profound, subtle, lessons I am sure. Only because I am so caught up with what someone did or did not do or how something did or did not play out.
I want to offer you the idea of making your day the way you want it to and not to let yourself get distracted by others. Sure, be gentle, be kind and be supportive, honor what others may be feeling or projecting. But don't let it alter your mood. Don't let it alter the way you envisioned your day. Hold space and then move forward, reminding yourself that other peoples emotions have nothing to do with you and that what you continue to give out into this world, will keep coming full circle (karma). Meaning, the more positive, happy, joyful feelings you put forward, the more great things and people will keep being placed in your life.
So go on, move forward, make it GREAT!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Buckwheat - A Powerful Seed

Why Buckwheat is Good For You
 (and a buckwheat granola recipe)

Buckwheat, an amazing seed. Not a grain actually, and it is gluten free. People with gluten allergies or celiac disease can eat buckwheat. So don't let the name fool you! You can sprout it and dehydrate it or cook it up like a grain. In this recipe we will look at how to sprout buckwheat. But first lets talk benefits!

What makes buckwheat such a great seed is that it has a unique amino acid profile (it contains all eight essential amino acids) that gives the power to boost the protein value of beans and cereal grains eaten the same day. It is also a cholesterol - lowering food, it has the ability to reduce and stabilize blood sugar levels following meals, it is very low on the glycemic scale and it reduces hypertension. It is even said to be one of the most "complete sources of protein on the planet' according to And I can't leave out that it is is high in lecithin, which neutralizes toxins and purifies the lymphatic system, helping out the liver. And with high iron it is a good blood purifier. There is much more too, like it is good for the brain and contains all of the B vitamins.....I could go on but wanted to at least give you a reason for why you should incorporate this seed into your diet more.

Sprouting the buckwheat allows for the seed to come alive again so that your body can absorb the live enzymes and vital nutrients. Sprouting also cleanses the colon and alkalizes the body.

Take one cup (non roasted) buckwheat and pour into a bowl. Cover with water for 15 minutes. If it gets a little gelatinous do not worry. Buckwheat does that when exposed to water.
Transfer drained buckwheat into a sprouting container, a colander (or a bottle that you use cheese cloth and a rubber band for the opening). Let sprout for 2-4 days, depending on the temperature in your house. Less if hot, more if cool.
Rinse the seeds 2 times per day with cool water and drain the water each time. Make sure that whatever you have the seeds in they can properly drain and get air. If you are using a colander just place a thick damp cloth over the top and elevate the colander. You will see the sprouts within a day or 2. Let them get about 1/4 - 1/2 inch long.

Spread buckwheat on a baking sheet and place in oven at lowest setting with the door propped open, for 4-8 hours. You know it is done when the seeds are light and "pop" in your mouth when you chew them. They should not turn brown or burn. Or place in your dehydrator for 6-8 hours.

Buckwheat Granola Recipe:
Preheat oven to lowest setting (I used 170 F)
Pour sprouted and dehydrated seeds into a bowl
      1/4 cup raisins, crushed almonds, sunflower seeds and any other nuts or dried fruit that you like
      2-3 Tablespoons sweetener like raw organic honey or grade A organic maple syrup
      1-2 teaspoons liquified coconut oil
      1 -2 tablespoons of ground flax seed
      1 teaspoon cinnamon
      Optional: add 1 teaspoon vanilla, hemp seeds, coco nibs or raw organic coco powder,  organic, non-sweetened shredded coconut (experiment with whatever you like)

Mix all together. Spray cooking sheet with coconut oil. Spread the mix evenly out on the sheet. Place in oven on middle rack, bake for about 4 hours or until dried completely. Remember, while baking, leave the door cracked open for air flow.
Let cool and scoop out into an air-tight container. Store in a cool dry place.
Serve in yogurt, with warm or cold milk or eat by the handful as a healthy snack.